2021 New Zealand Residency Visa - opening 1st December.

Following our last post we can now confirm that applications for the 2021 Resident Visa open on the 1st of December.
This is a one off residency opportunity for those migrants who due to the impact of Covid - 19 were left
in a large group of people already in the process of applying to work in New Zealand or to gain residency.
The process will operate under two phases. Phase 1 will include those people who were in New Zealand with an eligible work visa on the 29th of September 2021 and had already submitted a Skilled Migrant category application, or a Residence from Work application or a Skilled Migrant category expression of interest that included children 17 years and older.
If this doesn't apply to you, you will be in Phase 2 and will be able to apply after the 1st of march 2022.
You can find out more on the Immigration New Zealand Website or view a video here
To investigate your options for migrating to New Zealand we suggest you visit the Immigration New Zealand website where there is a constant supply of information around the impact of Covid – 19 and the ongoing change in immigration requirements.